
杰克逊维尔公司的绿色景观. is pleased to report it won “Outstanding Project of the Year” for the State of Florida for 2021 from the 佛罗里达州城市林业委员会.  The award recognized Greenscape’s planting project at the Jacksonville Equestrian Center, a city-owned equestrian and event facility that hosts more than 50 national and international events per year.

“我们非常感谢被选为这样一个享有盛誉的奖项,丽莎·格鲁巴说, 执行董事.  “ 佛罗里达州城市林业委员会 是我们州城市森林的有力拥护者吗.  他们的工作在这个快速发展的国家至关重要.”

Greenscape在该设施种植了101棵树,以美化该物业, 添加阴影, 并在低洼地区吸收多余的雨水.  The species planted were Live Oak, Sabal Palm, Sycamore, Cedar, Bald Cypress and Winged Elm.  种植前土壤被改良过, 由于场地土壤高度压实,质量差.  The center’s irrigation was upgraded and drip bubblers were added for each new tree by subcontractor Allstar Irrigation.

A ribbon cutting ceremony was held at the completion of the project and was attended by representatives from City Council, 公共工程, 公园管理处, 杜瓦尔县公立学校, 地区倡导团体, 工装裤, 两个组织的董事会, 以及加德纳硕士项目的成员.